Chainsaw Dogs/Bucking Spikes: Why You Need to Add Them to Your Saw 

In the world of chainsaw modifications, there is no easier addition than a custom set of chainsaw dogs. Known by several names, teeth/spikes/dawgs/dogs, can be easily added to any saw. 

The majority of chainsaws come standard with stock dogs, either metal or molded directly into the body. While those do provide some sticking power, aftermarket or custom dogs take it to the next level. 

What Are Chainsaw Dogs

They are metal plates that can be fixed to the powerhead of your chainsaw. Major chainsaw manufacturers provide a mounting area where different types of dogs can be mounted directly to the saw with a couple of mounting bolts. 

They come in all shapes and sizes depending on the desired action you are looking to get out of them. This makes them completely customizable to fit an individual’s preferences. 

Taos, New Mexico. Wildland firefighters

When to Use Chainsaw Dogs

Chainsaw spikes come in handy when you are bucking up large sections of logs. You can dig the spike into the log you are cutting and use the sticking point as leverage to guide your chainsaw bar through the log.

When cutting larger sections of logs, it is helpful to create a pivot point for your saw. Having control of your saw is extremely important, especially when you are dealing with oversized chainsaws and large bars. 

To use a chainsaw dog properly, let the rotation of the chain jam the dogs into the side of the log as you start your cut. From there, use the sticking point to work your chainsaw bar tip down the opposite side of the log, pivoting on the jammed-in spike.

Once you get through a decent portion of the log on the pivot, you can now pick the saw up for the remainder of the cut. If there is still a lot of wood left to cut, simply take the pivot side down and jam the spikes back into the log for your next pivot cut.

Chainsaw Dog Disadvantages

The benefits of adding chainsaw dogs far outweigh the negatives but there are a few things to consider if you decide to add spikes to your saw. 

The first is the added weight. It’s not a lot of extra weight but in a world where saws are being judged by the ounce, it does add to it. Especially if you decide to go with doubles dogs or extended spikes. Most people won’t notice a difference, but nonetheless will add weight and could affect fatigue when working with the saw for long periods. 

The second downside to adding chainsaw dogs to your saw is the possibility of getting tangled up in branchy wood. If you are cutting up wood that has a bunch of twigs or vines surrounding the area, lengthy spikes can get caught and make it more challenging to move the saw around from cut to cut.

The third disadvantage to adding dogs to a saw is the loss of bar length, depending on how large of spikes you added. The chainsaw dogs protrude in the same direction as the bar so you can stick them into the log you are cutting. For that reason, you could lose up to an inch or more on cutting length. This could be an issue if the log you are cutting is right at the length of your bar.

How to Choose the Right Size Dogs

There are many different spike designs but the main decision you need to think about is how long of teeth you need. 

Long bumper spikes allow you to dig into soft bark or wood better, providing more leverage and a solid pivot point to work from. If you need good sticking power, go with longer spikes. They also provide better gripping power on logs with a larger diameter. 

Short chainsaw dog teeth are better if you are cutting with a shorter bar (16″ or less) to not impede on your cutting length. They are also better for situations where the logs are smaller or the bark is harder to penetrate. Having smaller spikes but more of them will give you better gripping power.  

Single and Dual Chainsaw Dogs

You need to check the model of the chainsaw first. Many of the smaller powered saws only give you the option to add one additional chainsaw dog. On some of the larger saws, there will be a mounting option on the outside of the sprocket plate. 

If you primarily use your saw for bucking up big pieces of timber and you have the option, then a double dog setup may be worthwhile. It will give you the best control over sticking your saw for leverage and control. 

A perfect homeowner chainsaw with a single-dog option is the STIHL MS 170.

A professional grade saw with a double dog option is the STIHL MS 500i.

Double Chainsaw Dogs by PILTZ

Where to Buy Chainsaw Dogs

The best place to purchase chainsaw dogs is online because of the large variety of options and specs. Here are a few chainsaw brands that have chainsaw dog capabilities.

STIHL Chainsaw Dogs for sale

Husqvarna Chainsaw Dogs

Echo Chainsaw Dogs

West Coast Custom Felling Dogs

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